Wednesday, January 25, 2017


© By Allen Merritt (2017)

Not long ago I perused one of my social media accounts and read these initials: DFTBA. This acronym was displayed in large bold letters followed by the meaning: “Don't forget to be awesome.” I thought this was a great message and a wonderful way to jump start the day in a positive way.  We have to self-encourage and demonstrate a show of appreciation for whom and what we are; especially if we are endeavoring to be the best we can possibly be with what we are given. If we can do it for ourselves, we can also do it for others. 

I believe everyone needs friendly reminders and micro boosts of encouragement from time to time. Some days it helps to receive them several times. I am strongly convinced this is true (at least for myself), because as I navigate daily I must do so around other people, situations, problems and distractions that seem to pop up out of nowhere. As a result, I am absolutely certain I am not the only one navigating along this terrain.

In fact, as I write this I am reminded of those video games that demonstrate exactly that; such as Pac man. Remember that one?  You run around through a maze trying to clear the path and see your way through to the next level or chapter of life while dodging obstacles and mini-monsters. It's like taking one step forward and two steps backwards. What a metaphor for life!  Think about it. If you kept going directly toward the monsters, it could mean GAME OVER. Therefore, it makes sense to re-calculate and shimmy around this way and that to get to our destination safe and secure from all alarms, so to speak. Somehow we get addicted to making it through, because that means we succeeded to some degree. And, if we're smart and strategic, that's exactly what happens.  But it's that positive attitude reminding us we are capable and can do it that pushes us through. That's the DFTBA I am talking about today. 

There's something great and fun about that word awesome that makes me smile. I guess it's the immediate affect it has to produce a smile or to activate an endorphin. In that moment we find a bit more courage to carry on. After all, it does feel good to feel accomplished and appreciated no matter what level we experience it.

Read the following statements to yourself and then read them again out loud and see if it doesn’t make you feel better in some sort of way.

That’s Awesome!
You’re awesome!
Awesome, man!

For a while I remember the phrase "awesome possum" used quite frequently. I think it added a bit of light hearted-ness to any situation. It hinted all is good, on the right track and happier.

The word "awesome" reeks of positivity. It says "yes."

And if there is anything we need yesterday, today or tomorrow it's a lot more positivity and a little more "yes" instead of "no." Wouldn't you agree? There is no risk and a good chance for a high yield or a better return on your investment (ROI)!

I also think that the idea behind “Don’t Forget to be Awesome” gives all of us permission to put our best foot forward and try or try again, as well as demonstrate a sense of how everything is alright and okay in the world…despite how others might make it seem. Look in the mirror and focus on yourself a little bit. Look yourself in the eye and pat yourself on the back here and there. Don’t forget and BE awesome. Why? Because each of us in our own way is a part of that illustrious word AWESOME and can demonstrate uniquely the art of awesomeness.

So this week I want to encourage everyone to live in a state of awesomeness as we carry on our lives living on that positive note.

We just have to remember not to forget. Don’t get sidetracked, blindsided or overly distracted. Reach out and claim your sense of awesome!


That’s right!

Don’t Forget to be Awesome this week. Spread the good news. Share and share alike. What have you got to lose anyway, right?


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