Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Sky is the Limitless!

The Sky is the Limitless!
© Allen Merritt (2017)

Remember the movie “Limitless” about a colorless, transparent looking pill that helps a person see clearly, accomplish more and become increasingly productive by making the most out of every second of the day?  I watched it again last night and found myself pondering those moments when I feel like this, which isn’t every day. It reminds me of why people live on caffeine and sugar rushes, because it makes them feel elated and able to make it through the day or continue on with it. I wouldn’t say I think a pill or anything oriented to a substance is the answer to constant achievement, but the idea of feeling productive is what we are exploring here. In fact, the film demonstrates the pitfalls of drug use, as well.

The thing about feeling limitless in your abilities and accomplishments is that one has to take good care of themselves in the process. Take care of the self and listen simultaneously to the mind, body, soul and spirit.

My happiest and most productive days are those where I am highly creative and doubly productive. I really love being doubly productive, which is to say I can accomplish several things at the same time or in the same time frame. Some might think this as a type of multitasking as a point of reference. But to me, it isn’t exactly the same, especially when considering statistics on how humans are not very good at multi-tasking. We just like to think we are OR that it matters to whether or not we get a job done or get the job at all, because some employer thinks this is our specialty. Many job descriptions include this element, because they want to hire one person to do the job of many.

Unfortunately, multi-tasking isn’t perfect and often breaks down. Whereas being doubly productive (in my opinion) means you are naturally accomplishing a variety of tasks within a limited time frame and doing it with ease. Sometimes this can mean a simple organization of how you work towards achieving and/or a better time management in doing so. I think the key word here is “naturally” as opposed to forcing something to happen, which isn’t to say that trying to multitask isn’t good. The two ideas are very similar.

Indeed, there is a certain high realized when goals are accomplished. However, isn’t it also true that once one goal is behind us another one pops up to replace it? While watching this film I decided it would be worth a little exploration within the guidelines of how it promotes positivity.

What if life were limitless? Isn’t it already limitless to some degree? Is not abundance accessible and available? When I look out the window in mid flight I see tons of it – wide open spaces. When I tilt my head up and see the vastness of the sky or the width of the ocean I see it. Life is short and yet there are some days it feels long. So how does one live without limits? What does it mean to be limitless? How can one person accomplish so much in shorter amounts of time without burn out or error? Case in point: We have speed limit sides which are  now largely ignored. People want to get there quicker. As a result, I often hear we have more fatal automobile accidents.Is it possible that accomplishing our goals (whatever they might be) is contingent on knowing our limitations? 

Limitless and unlimited are like the cup running over; the river never drying up and always flowing. It always has more than enough, but what is enough and when is enough enough?

Think about “All you can eat” buffets. If we focus on overabundance and too much of a good thing what does that mean? Does that leave us with a positive outcome? Are we any happier, as a result? How far is too far? More importantly, can we handle and manage it? Err on the side of caution comes to mind as something to think about here, because we cannot be all things to all people. We cannot be everywhere at all times. (This reminds of another movie called “Multiplicity” about having more than one version of yourself running around to get everything done faster and more efficiently). It’s fun to think about those possibilities from time to time, but reality kicks in to remind us we are only one individual with various sides and not the other way around. I remember hearing the phrase, “The Sky is the limit.”  I took that to mean I have the ability to do anything if I set myself to task on it.

For me, I always have a list of things to do that never gets done, because items keep getting added or need repeating. I cannot beat myself over it, because I know I can only do so much at any given time. I can push to achieve, but common sense tells me not to overdo it.

I suppose in mulling over the idea of limitless possibility one may also want to think about working through life in moderation. Going too fast for too long may result in conking out and becoming self-destructive. Going with the flow and allowing yourself the opportunity to take it one step at a time may prove advantageous, which most people probably understand. If not, think about the children's tale about the tortoise and the hare. 

Take your time...
Too much too soon...
Too much of a good thing...
Everything that goes up must come down...

I guess in conclusion, riding the roller coaster of life should be fun, but if it starts to feel like you are always riding a roller coaster with outrageous dips and loopty-loops, maybe it’s time for a break and come down to earth for a moment. It’s okay to feel grounded while pursuing a multitude of tasks. Go ahead, take a breather. Climb the corporate ladder. Hike up that mountain. Enjoy the view on your way up. In doing so, maybe the sky can be step at a time!

It’s something else to think about while living life On a Positive Note.

Enjoy the week.


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