Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Upload the Positive!

Upload the Positive!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

I walked onto the elevator to overhear two people in the middle of an uplifting conversation. It was a male and a female nurse. The male nurse was leading the discussion about how it was such a joyous day for him; and, when people have a tragedy happen to them they allow that tragedy to steal their joy and peace from them. But to him if you already have the joy, nothing can steal it away from you.

It was at this point the man walked closer to the woman and said, "You get what I'm saying, don't you sister?"

The woman replied, "Yes, I do. But I love to hear it."

The man went on, "Yeah, you need a little reminder."

"That's right. We need a little reminder. You have a blessed day!” whispered the woman before exiting the elevator and leaving me and the man to ourselves.

The man turned toward me and asked, "How are you doing, young man?"

"Good." I said.

"Good? Good is mediocre, man. You got to feel joyful!"

I said, "That's right, especially around here."

The man went on, "You got it! Got to upload the positive and delete the negative just like on a computer. Know what I'm saying?" (He said this while taking his finger and pointing it up towards his temple, as if to demonstrate.)

This happened as I was visiting my friend who had been admitted into the hospital over the weekend.

This male nurse was chockfull of energy, joyfulness and eager to share and celebrate all that life was offering despite any and all circumstances going on in the world around him or in general.

His energy was infectious and the idea of sharing his comment in today’s positivity blog seemed more than appropriate. We need to upload the positive and delete any negative content in our lives. That is what I aim to build, nurture, grow and share every week, no matter what!

In fact, the last couple of weeks have been challenging for me as I lost my best friend Scooter Dawg! That's right, my doggie passed away peacefully in his sleep while I was trying to make my way across country to catch up with old family and friends I had not seen in three years. It was a sad day, because I had Scooter for over 15 years and since he was 4 weeks old. He was my family. But despite his passing, I had expected it sooner than later and was extremely grateful he had gone peacefully. That is what this man was talking about when he said to upload the positive and delete the negative.

I want to keep that mentality as much as possible. I have even caught myself this week getting a little impatient with others who were being a bit pushy with me to take care of their needs when I am in the middle of a stressful situation in dealing with my friend in the hospital. For about a day I was feeling overwhelmed and taken advantage of. It appeared there was a lack of consideration and compassion taking place.  I had to remind myself how things may not be what they appear to be and maybe I was being too sensitive. Again, I was uploading the positive and getting rid of some negative.

In any case, here I am today and I was wondering what my blog content would entail when life delivers me this neatly packaged message that speaks for itself. I walked right off that elevator and knew I had to share the experience and the idea in today’s On a Positive Note blog.

So there you have it!

This week’s positive reminder is to upload the positive and delete the negative.

May we all be encouraged by such great energy and be reminded of how being positive and joyful means much more to our overall well-being than holding on to grudges, bad feelings or negative energy.

Go out there and have a great fun-tastic week, despite it all!


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