Thursday, September 29, 2016

Don't Think, Just Go!

 Don't Think, Just Go!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

My friend Hilda in Duncan, Oklahoma told me that I should write about my experiences last week. If for any other reason than to show what it's like to go with the flow and shine positivity on circumstances by trusting and believing in the best outcome. After thinking about it, I decided, "Why not!" After all, keeping a positive state of mind is the best approach. So here goes nothing!

I decided to hop on a bus and save myself from the challenge of driving and a few bucks on gas to go into to Los Angeles to work with my coach and take a meeting with a potential project. When it works out schedule wise I appreciate someone else doing all the driving. Off I went!

The thing with bus schedules is you have to go with what schedules they offer and not necessarily what is best for you. That meant a bit of waiting time here and there. I arrived in L.A., took a metro train to Culver City, walked over to a coffee shop and caught up on paperwork and attended a conference call before heading over to bus stop to see my coach. So far, so good.

Afterwards, I made my project meeting. Still good. Suddenly in the middle of my meeting I get a text booking me on a job, which caught me off guard at such a late hour of the day. This sometimes happens, but I really wasn't prepared for it this day. Following the meeting I found myself scrambling to work out details on where I would stay the night and what kind of clothing options I had available and needed for the next day since I had not packed anything.Next I had to figure out transportation options all over the place to a hotel and then to the job site. After all, I didn't have any wheels. I was on foot. Are you getting the picture thus far? Under any circumstances, this would be a bit stressful. On top of everything, my phone was running out of juice making it difficult to research options.

I trained, I bused and I walked. I walked some more.

I managed to find a safe and comfortable enough place to stay last minute. I figured out a bus route to get to the job the next day. I found clothes. I missed my bus back home, but that would have to wait until the next day.

The next day I got to the job on time (early even) and waited. I did not know how long I would be there that day, as often is the case. I knew I could catch a bus later around 6:25pm and still get home at a decent hour to sleep and get ready for the next trip the following day to Phoenix, which I had to get to. But all of that depended on how long I was working today! As it turned out I worked until about 6:45 pm. Yikes. Later bus? Couldn't justify that. I walked back to bus stop and called an airlines while doing so and found a flight at 8:35 pm. I got to bus stop at 7:04 pm and waited for bus to arrive at 7:39 pm. Rode 20 minutes to Burbank Airport just in time for all emergency vehicles to come barreling into the parking structure right before the bus. No worries, I was close enough. I got off bus and literally ran all the way to the terminals, got boarding pass, flew through TSA and up to gate with a couple minutes to spare before boarding and speeding back home in record time.

In a nutshell, I got some sleep, did laundry, re-packed and headed out again the next day hitting everything I needed to do just in time. Whew!

Now, how could I not think that something positive had not happened over and over again during this chaotic time period.

I remember thinking, I could not have planned this better. I just kept saying to myself at every juncture, "Do I turn left or right?" Then I went with it. And, you know what? Things worked out. Amazing.

So that is my story last week. I hope you get something out of it to take with you in the new week ahead that reminds you about how staying positive and going with flow, begin calm cool and collected will generally pull you through such moments. It's nothing short of miraculous!

So even in the midst of chaos is a peace beyond all understanding that leads us through to where we need to be. That is the positive lesson I offer this week.

Go out there and make the most of every moment with a dash of positivity.


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