Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pushing Toward Happiness!

Pushing Toward Happiness!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

Well, another week has gone and passed us by. For me, as I have navigated my way through all kinds of curvy situations I have tried to make sure to make time to rest. I am amazed at how at times I feel utterly exhausted when I don't feel I should be. But when I look back on my experiences over the last couple of weeks I can see how fatigue comes into play not only with the daily grind, but from traveling, stressful situations that pop up unexpectedly and suddenly have to be dealt with and whatever else tackles us.

This past week I did have an opportunity to take a day job which landed me near downtown Los Angeles. I have a friend who had an apartment in the area and whenever I can and have time I contact them to see if they are around and available for a cup of Joe and a little visit. As it turned out, I only had to work a half a day, which was really nice and left me with definitive time to check in with my friend. I texted them and found out they were no longer in the area. They had moved out of town a couple hours east, a completely different town.

My friend proceeded to inform me of the fact that downtown had changed dramatically and was no longer what it used to be for them, ergo stimulating and prompting a change in life. Needless-to-say, I was surprised and had not expected this as I was under the understanding they loved living downtown and in the thick of it all. Plus, their career was center in the same industry as myself meaning they were near everything.

After congratulating my friend on their decision I added a note, “Here’s to happiness!”

I have been thinking on the idea of pushing through to happiness every since. When I hear about people’s struggles and difficulties in moving forward in life or in keeping the day to day going, I begin to think on how all the bumps in the road seem to trigger all kinds of reactions. Some of these reactions lead us to have a grumpy day or hit us the wrong way. My thought is to catch it when it happens and turn it around. For example, as I drove to the coffee shop today I experienced pedestrians crossing through major traffic zones in non-pedestrian areas and in the middle of traffic flow. My immediate thought was on why are they causing such a disturbance and putting themselves and other people in jeopardy? Interestingly, these pedestrians did not look to see if it was safe, did not yield to the traffic (since they did not have right of way) and they slowed down their pace to force traffic to stop around them. Not only was this a congestion, it was an endangerment which could have been prevented if they had walk further to the crosswalk. I felt grouchy over it and at the same time glad I was alert and spotted them.

Situations like that while small and petty can throw a hitch in your get along if you let them. So pushing forward toward our happiness is important. Just like my friend realizing she needed to move toward a better state of happiness because the changes in her area were not compatible with her goals and preferences. I can sense the frustration and the need for positive change. 

Some frustrations are health oriented. Others are financial or career based. In my circle, relationships are not even a consideration because folks are most focused on survival.

It is the same with the following situations which I hear about daily. 
  • Lack of opportunities
  • Not enough income
  • Absence of any benefits
  • Inability to achieve goals or dreams
  • Various aspects of human interference's

I am certain you can think of many other situations popping up and causing you to reconsider the value of where you’re at, what you’re doing and whether or not making a positive change is necessary. Sometimes we are compelled to move on.

So my thoughts are centered on the importance of moving forward in life and pushing toward our happiness. Sometimes it is a simple change in attitude or thought process. Maybe a simple conversation might change circumstances or if need be, making a physical change and moving from one situation to another. The key issue is being aware and assessing our lot in life rationally and making changes accordingly. No matter what choices are made, thinking positive and asking yourself what makes you happiest and what needs to be done to realistically achieve that is the every day goal.

Let’s encourage happiness!

Go out and find your happy this week and stick to it!


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