Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Garbage In, Garbage Out!

Garbage In, Garbage Out!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

How many times did you hear the phrase, “Take out the trash” while growing up?

This was one of those chores many kids didn’t appreciate and/or didn’t want to do and understandably so, because it wasn’t fun. Neither were the other things we learned as children such as cleaning our rooms or clearing out old clothes and toys stuffed deep into our closets, all of  which we out grew and were only taking up space.

Part of reaching a positive place in mind, body, soul and spirit, as well as maintaining a happy-go-lucky attitude despite it all is in getting rid of all our garbage. Some might refer to it as excess baggage. Either way, we always find ourselves in the middle of a purge at some time or other. Individually, we all must do our share of the work. If the garbage comes in, then eventually it must go out.

I remember George Carlin performing a comedy routine based on collecting “stuff.” For some reason, with all the marketing and campaigning to get us to buy things, fill our houses to overflowing and being told what we need and do not need, we end up never finding that happy place. Consider how hoarders never have enough stuff and consequently are never satisfied to the point of addiction and unstable mental well-being. Of course, I am not just referring to our ability to fill our lives up with physical and material goods. I am also referring to the psychological nonsense we seem to hold onto. People get to us. People say things. Life doesn’t happen the way we thought or think it will. We get mad and hold grudges, etcetera and so on.

Think about it. 

How did you feel once you finished a purge or a good cleaning? Less cluttered? At ease? More relaxed? If we think of our happiness and peace of mind in the same way we think of taking out the garbage, we just might be able to consider the good in getting rid of those things that bother us and/or hold us back.

I like to think of it this way:  I love a clean floor. I don’t necessarily care for the work it takes to clean it, but boy does it feel good on my bare feet after I do it. It brings a smile to my face and I feel happier as a result.

As we approach a new year, let’s meditate on this idea of garbage in, garbage out. 

Some people use the philosophy ‘if you haven’t worn or used it in over a year, pitch it.’ Here are some thoughts: How about making money with your garbage by holding a garage or yard sale? What will happen if you clear out some things and create some extra space? What would that be like? 

We purge all the time. It’s like a snake shedding its skin every so often. He’s got to do it. We spring clean; we donate to charity and fill those trash cans to the brim for the next time they come to pick up the garbage. Every once in a while when we stumble over all our stuff either physically or psychologically we are reminded of the importance of purging.

There’s nothing like feeling less trashy! Less of a burden produces a spring in your step!

Have some fun today in thinking about all the purging you have already done and which you may need to do by watching this fun clip by George Carlin about “stuff.”

After watching the video, think about what kind of garbage, trash, excess baggage or stuff it is that you need to clear out of your house and head as the New Year approaches us. Contemplate how much better you will feel clearing out and cleaning up things you no longer have use for.

Now, that covers a lot of territory and may even include more than things, but also persons and places. In any case, taking out the garbage may not be so bad after all. Make room for more good in your life and surround yourself with those that love and care for you. Otherwise, garbage in, garbage out!

Cheers and Happy New Year!

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