Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tell Me Something Good!

Tell Me Something Good!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

Earlier this year I referenced a radio show which has a great little segment titled ‘Tell Me Something Good!” I think it’s only a minute long, but it packs a punch to start your day on a positive note. The three hosts share a current story that each of them have found and for which highlights only good news. It doesn’t take much to enlighten a moment, but it does take something. And, I appreciate the shows efforts to reach out and influence their audience with some good news and positive energy.

Why is that important? 

Because it is helpful to everyone and it works to create a win-win environment.

Tell me something good!
Tell me how to improve.
Tell me how to make it better.

I know there are individuals out there who look for the bad in everything. They purposefully cut others down to size by belittling, degrading and making negative comments. Misery loves company, as they say. Other people don’t even know they are doing this. It just comes naturally to them, which leads me to believe that it takes real effort to hone in on the positive. Moreover, it takes continued persistence and perseverance to sustain that energy and remain there. I guess, no one ever said it would be easy!

But it also occurs to me that some individuals make it harder than necessary to stay positive. You know, the one bad apple in the batch ruins it for all the other apples theory? On a personal more, I have been known to actually say to someone after a negative confrontation, “Was that response really necessary?” Maybe that is a bit sarcastic, but often I want people to know I am easier to communicate with than that. I think there are many people who are not near as complicated or complex in their make up as some might think. It’s just that others make them seem complex. Therefore, it makes sense to say, “Wait a minute!” and stop, take a look at the situation, listen, consider and response with appropriate communications. That communication should convey an interest of reaching a solution or understanding that behooves and benefits all parties involved. In other words, it demonstrates making an effort to see the good in something, especially after considering we may not know the full scope of a situation or what a person is going through. Things are not always as they appear to be, which makes it difficult from time to time to ever understand what is going on in any given situation.

In any case, it is refreshing to know there are some programs out there deliberately looking for the good in our lives; all the more reason to share the idea with you today. Of course, during the course of the past year, I have made many references and suggestions to seek out the good and positive via stories, anecdotes, humor, challenges and exercises. With this in mind, I listened to the show again this morning and it struck me to put this notion out there one more time. If you haven’t been in the habit of searching for the good, then do so now!

Consider the following:
  • Good news generates more smiles and increases endorphin's. (I have no doubt.)
  • Good news encourages us.
  • Good news inspires and motivates us.
  • Good news relaxes us and helps us through the rest of the day.
  • Good news helps us appreciate life more.
  • Good news calms and comforts.
  • Good news helps us all in our pursuit of happiness!
In contemplating all of the above, I want to make this week a celebration of all the good out there and officially make the request for all to reach out and find it. By doing so, we just might be able to touch each other more profoundly, in a positive way and see life through new lenses.

Isn’t that enough to suggest that life is worthwhile?

Cheers and Happy Holidays! 

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