Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Reaching Out – “On a Positive Note” Challenge #3

Reaching Out!

©Allen Merritt (2015)

The older you get the faster life passes you by. Suddenly, you’re asking yourself things like, “Where did the time go?” or “Can you believe this year is almost over already?” Usually, this is when you realize that everything you want to do or need to do is not necessarily getting done, at least not as fast as you thought it would get done. The “To Do” list is as long as it was when you first put it together, because you keep adding to it every day. Since I already discussed keeping up with tasks, goals and accomplishments in a previous blog, what I want to discuss today are important things getting left behind such as keeping in touch with family, friends and loved ones of all types.

For me, I don’t get around to calling family members as much as I could. On the one hand, they don’t get around to calling me either. Be that as it may, my good intentions for checking in on them fall a bit short of the glory, if you will. I’m better at sending out a card every once in a while. I don’t even e-mail, text or do the social media communications as well as I could.

The same goes for old and new friends alike. Sometimes you are in touch every day with new found friendships and then things change a little and suddenly you’re adrift. Of course, there are many reasons why this happens. My point is, we are capable of finding ways to keep the lines of communication open and express interest in the lives of others for which we value and appreciate.

I will be the first to say that life is not a one way street. It takes two to tango, as they say. However, there is a difference between deciding to stay in touch when you remember and feel interested in doing so and just sitting there thinking, “Well, they have my number they can pick up the phone and call me just as easily.” That kind of thinking accomplishes nothing. It also establishes the potential for negative feelings and negative energy between all parties. Before you know it, years go by.

Ultimately, when I make that phone call, send a card, e-mail or letter I generally feel good, happier and more positive about the relationship(s) and myself. So, again, the focus is putting a positive swing on things. We don’t always know what is going on with others or why time goes by without hearing from them, but we do understand what is going on with ourselves and can make stronger effort to remember others by finding ways to show them how important they are to us. That means making time and taking a second to make it happen when we think about it.

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve initiated some “On a Positive Note” Challenges. I’m continuing the challenge sequence this week with Challenge number 3.

Take time to make a list of people you need to or would like to get in touch with. Start with family members. Make a separate list of people you have fallen out of touch with but would like to say hello to and find out what is going on in their lives. Once you have the lists put together, reach out. On a break, write a card, note, e-mail, text or social media message to those individuals. Let them know you were thinking of them and would love to hear back from them. If you want to make a phone call but are afraid of being on the phone longer than you can afford, start the conversation by letting them know you were thinking of them and only have a couple minutes to spare for a quick hello. Think of asking what their schedule is and make a date for a longer conversation or, if they live in the region, see about getting together for coffee or lunch. Then politely wish them a good day before ending the conversation. In that way you can make it short, sweet and still make some time for them right now.

What I have discovered is people love being remembered and feel appreciated no matter what the situation is, especially if you approach the communication in a positive and appropriate manner. Participating and engaging in others lives is an investment which leaves an indelible mark on those who may need it most. And, if you think about it, how often are you happier when others take a moment to reach out to you when you least expect it?

Challenge yourself this week to get in touch with someone every day and see how it makes you feel!

Have a great week and enjoy!


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