Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Predictability – “On a Positive Note” Challenge #2

©Allen Merritt (2015)

Life is dynamic. It is ever changing, like it or not. As a result, human beings have a tendency to enjoy some form of consistency in their lives. We like certain things to be and happen in a definitive way whether it is a favorite meal, going to the same places over and over again or other routine activities. Some people like structure more than others, but everyone has a set of obligations, responsibilities and choices that remain the same day after day, week after week. For example, I have gotten into the habit of getting up in the morning and taking a book, writing paper, pen and heading over to the coffee shop as a daily routine. Paying bills and going to work in a repetitive manner fits into the same behavioral pattern. We get into the practice of this or that for a number of reasons. However, one negative impact is how over time a person can start to feel that habituality as being stuck in a rut or the same-old-same-old. In other words, we become predictable. Some of our predictability is a choice. Can we choose to exercise change? Why not!

How does one feel less hampered by regular activities?
How do we spice it up and energize ourselves in the midst of the ordinary and norm of our existence?

I think one approach is in realizing there are many ways to accomplish a task, as many right ways to do something as there are wrong ways and most importantly, we have options.

For example:

If you are someone who tends to dress the same for work daily because that is what you are used to, told to do or what everyone else is doing, try to find ways to switch it up a bit. Admittedly, this is easier for the ladies, but men can find ways to do it as well even if it means wearing colorful socks and underwear that most people don’t see anyway. Get out of the black, white and grey mode.

Tend to take the same roads to work? Try mapping out a new route every other week. Not only will you do something different, but you’ll see other areas of town you don’t normally visit and might see some place you may want to check out sometime. Change the scenery. Enjoy the view.

Of course, many of us love that old fashioned familiarity where when we appear everyone knows your name, but switching it up means that you experience new opportunities, meet other people and try on other suits of armor, so to speak. If anything, you fortify something within yourself that dares to be a little different once in a while and you’ll have a new story to tell about the time you (fill in the blank).

These are only light illustrations, but I’m sure you get the drift and can evaluate for yourself where you tend to be conventional. Put some variety into your life and be a little less of the expected. Dare to walk the lines of conventionalism, within reason, of course.

Within these thoughts about predictability and spicing things up a bit comes this week’s “On a Positive Note” challenge.

Find ways to be less predictable and give yourself a chance to step out of the mundane and experience an alternative to the daily rituals. Do one thing every day that allows you to step outside the box; outside your comfort zone. At the end of the week, take a moment to think back on what you did differently and ask yourself what you learned and if you enjoyed the variation(s). Did you feel energized or enthused? Did it take away any of the doldrums? Do you feel re-invigorated or challenged? Did you discover anything new or interesting about yourself?

Hopefully, if you take this challenge, the positive take away will be worth the effort of venturing out and giving it the old one-two try. If you like exploring and being adventurous, then this challenge will be a piece of cake. If you tend to be structured and hesitant about stepping off the beaten path, then this may indeed be a challenge. Start small and see how it goes. Maybe, just maybe, you might step it up a little here and there and further enrich your daily experience, and it might be amazing.

Have a great week and enjoy!


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