Monday, November 26, 2018

Spilling the Beans!

Spilling the Beans!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

For some reason the thought, “Spilling the beans” popped into my head this morning and I immediately wrote it down wondering why I thought it and what it could mean in respect to maintaining a sense of the positive.

As I ponder the phrase I remember it as a reference to someone letting the cat out of the bag or accidentally divulging something before it was time to share it. Perhaps it refers to revealing the truth. Or, in some instances, it might signify making a mess and having to clean it up. At times the idea is about sharing information meant to be private such as a secret.

I suppose there are many connotations wrapped around such an idiom. In fact, there is a kids game called, “Don’t Spill the Beans,” which plays off the idea. The object is to get rid of all your beans by placing them into a pot without being the first to tip the pot over. If you tip the pot over and spill the beans, you get all the beans and the other player wins the game. In this case, spilling the beans serves many purposes. One allows a player to win and free themselves from carrying all the beans and the other piles the bean burden onto someone else.

I think spilling the beans in its best terms refers to healing and letting go of things one might be holding onto. Letting go of negativity is an example. Allowing oneself to be truthful and honest is another. If you are holding onto feelings, emotions, problems and hurtful ideas, it seems a good thing to spill those beans and let the chips fall as they may. Ergo, spilling the beans is like letting out a huge sigh of relief and allowing those feelings of burden (beans) and heavy laden to fall off your shoulders.

If the weight of carrying such troubles becomes intolerable, shedding such unwanted tribulations may prove helpful and take us back to a happy medium; bring balance back into the status quo and provide a sense of a much needed positive mindset.

Makes sense to me!

While in some cases spilling the beans denotes negative ideals such as gossiping and leaking information, it can also be incredibly helpful in context such as representing confession or ability to discuss or talk freely about what is going on in our minds or hearts. After all, everyone needs someone they can confide in and/or talk to; lend an ear. Sometimes we just need to talk about “it.”

What happens when you hold on to things and keep them bottled up inside?

Well, I know from personal experience growing up that if you keep things bottled up inside eventually you will implode and/or explode creating more havoc as a result and possibly hurting other people in the process.

As a loner and an only child, I carried the “shyness” and “awkward” genes and didn’t know better for the longest time. So when I consider the idea of spilling the beans, I think of it as it relates to becoming free of oneself. It’s a positive thing taken in proper context.

Of course, it isn’t always good to speak to soon or lash out. That is not what I mean. In many cases, allowing events to play out naturally by being quiet often yields good results and/or weeds out the negative. And quite naturally one doesn’t want to spoil a fun surprise by blurting out information either.

No, for the purpose of this discussion, spilling the beans signifies personal well being and self-healing as it pertains to our improved outlook on life, learning and living. Don’t let the hurt hold on to you; spill the beans (find someone to talk to even if it is in prayer). Don’t let something bother you or sit and stew within. Spill the beans. Speak your truth in the most considerate way possible.

Don’t be afraid to tell yourself, “I’m going to let this one go.” from time to time when appropriate.

Spill the beans or Don’t Spill the Beans that is the question!

Have a great week working your way to all that is good.


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