Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Do the Hokey Pokey!

Do the Hokey Pokey!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

Remember that childhood song called the Hokey Pokey? It went something like this for just about every part of the body:

You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out
You put your right foot in and you shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about!

I remember it as a fun childhood diddy and dance for which most people are familiar with. And, this is the topic of my positive discussion for the week. I don’t ever remember thinking much about the meaning of such a song as a child. But today it popped into my mind as it relates to a certain idea I was having, especially as it pertains to the conclusion of each round (or verse) of the song. More specifically, I am referring to the, “…you turn yourself around…” part.

I talk about turning things around all the time, but what does that mean; outside the obvious? I guess this is almost the same as asking the question, “How do you get from here to there?”

Answer(s): Take a step forward. Take one step at a time. Begin to move.

I suppose there are many answers and many outlooks.

For me, if “it” isn’t working one way, then try it another way. There is more than one right way to move forward and/or onward.  “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!” My focus here is on understanding the reality of how to improve a situation or circumstance; to feel good and receive all the positive benefits you can. This often comes from the idea of turning things and/or ourselves around.

Think about it.

An addict or substance abuser begins turning their lives around by seeking help and working through some rehabilitative program.

Successfully finishing an algebra course requires practice, resources and extra help.

These ideas may seem apparent. They certainly make sense.

Turning things around to make life better means we have to make effort, take that step and seek out help as necessary to move past the negative obstacles. Therefore, the lyrics of the Hokey Pokey song speak to the idea of doing something. Put your right foot forward. Move around. Take that big toe and dip it in the water. Stir things up. Turn it all around, because that’s what it is all about. Otherwise, we just sit there all stagnant and lifeless doing nothing and going nowhere.

Recently, I attended the CES convention in Las Vegas. What an amazing experience to witness technological advancements and growth. People are not just sitting around there. They are innovative and working to achieve something better not just for them, but for the better part of the whole. It’s very interesting.

One specific experience I encountered was at a virtual reality booth. They had me put on headsets and then some video screen goggles. After making sure the goggles were focused, I watched a video while listening to the sounds of the environment I was viewing. But it was more than being a third party viewer.

I was at a dance club. I felt I was actually in the club and watching groups of people dancing, chatting and having a good time right in front of me. Anyone who has ever been to a club will understand what it is like to be in such a place and feel and hear the music; nothing unusual about that, right?

Well, think again! And, this is where it got fun. If I turned in any direction (left, right, up, down or turning myself around), the view changed so that I saw everything exactly as I would as if I was actually in the club moving around in the same fashion. I was seeing and experiencing the real world as if I was in fact there at the club. All I had to do was…you got it…turn myself around. It was awesome.

Ultimately, all of these things about how much each of us has to gain by simply opening up to see things differently, trying something new and moving in another direction as opposed to sitting in our regular routine and/or living in a box with one view (that is being tunnel vision) are referring to the same thing.

You can learn more about who you are, what you are capable of and how to make good, healthy positive change by turning it all around. No harm in that, right? And, that’s my positivity thought for the week.

Do the Hokey Pokey. 

Sing. Dance. Look around. 

Turn yourself around, because that’s what it’s all about!

Here is a link to remind you of that old Hokey Pokey song. If you have time and feel like it, take a moment and watch it for old times’ sake!

Enjoy living life On a Positive Note!


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