Sunday, May 3, 2015

Yoga Laughter!

Yoga Laughter!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

Okay, here we go! Today is perfect!

It’s a happy-go-lucky kind of day. Want to know why?

Because it’s World Laughter Day!

Ever start laughing and cannot stop?

It’s kind of like a case of the hiccups except you’re not as apt to try and get rid of the giggles!

I don’t know anyone who doesn't love to laugh. Whether it is a joke, watching a comedy or experiencing a bout of tickling, laughter is fun.

According to, laughing releases happy and healthy endorphin's which help to lower blood pressure and those pesky little stress levels.¹ In fact, generating laughter in any environment leads to a healthy outlook both physically and mentally. I think it is safe to say that laughter is good for you.

Generally, laughter doesn't happen on command, but when it happens it is contagious.² Quite possibly, that is why comedy clubs and comedians are so popular. We have many choices when it comes to finding our fun. The point is making it a priority to discover what tickles are funny bone enough to initiate laughter.

I have noticed many articles on something called yoga laughter. This is a purposeful attempt to instigate laughter which causally turns into more contagious and spontaneous laughter as time goes by. I like the idea, because sometimes in the heat of things you need a good laugh to release tension or break up the monotony of the mundane. Laughter gives us a break and clears our head for a moment so we are not stuck in a rut longer than need be. Yoga Laughter is therapeutic and is much like going to an exercise class. If you Google it, you may find an opportunity near you. Between Yoga Laughter classes and going to a comedy club and ROTFLYAO (Rolling-On-The-Floor-And-Laughing-Your-Ass-Off), you could reap some health benefits and give those abs a good workout. Can’t beat that!

So, when it comes to finding ways to experience life positively, laughter is a good choice. I’d say that if laughter really is the best medicine, everyone better go refill their prescription!

Now, that is one drug I can get behind and support!

Today, in support of humor and good health I am leaving you with this link from the classic movie Mary Poppins (1964). The scene is about laughter.

“I love to laugh!  Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!”


I also encourage everyone to go out and celebrate World Laughter Day on Sunday, May 3, 2015. Spread the word and have a good laugh or two.

Happy World Laughter Day!


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