Wednesday, May 20, 2015

To Do or Not To Do!

To Do or Not To Do!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

Today I want to discuss the inevitable impact of the ‘To Do’ list. The “To Do’ list is considered a noun and it generally is thought of as a time management procedure to help organize tasks.

Personally, I like to refer to the ‘To Do’ list as my Todo (Tow-Doe) list. I don’t know why other than it’s my silly sense of humor at work. Anyway, I constantly have scratch paper scribbled up with things to do, ideas, and wish list items, etcetera. After a while it becomes more like chicken scratch and is barely readable resulting in my creating a new list by transferring unfinished items onto another piece of paper. Needless-to-say, it is an ongoing phenomenon that never seems to go away.

In my opinion, the 'To Do' list has the capability of impacting us either negatively or positively. On a positive note, when you accomplished the tasks and mark them off the list you might feel fruitful and productive. “Hey, I am getting somewhere.” On the other hand, if the list never seems to diminish it may leave you feeling bogged down with tons of stuff that need to be done. Ultimately, it leaves me feeling like I am going nowhere really fast.

So why doesn't that ‘To Do’ list ever go away? Is it because we are always wanting more and never feel satisfied? Is it never enough for us and we keep compounding the problem with more things to do or get done? I mean, just as you tick one thing off the list, you add 5 more tasks.

Would we be happier and live more positively if we did away with the “To Do’ list altogether? If so, how would we stay organized in our life of activities? 

The thought of eliminating the list has crossed my mind many times over the years. Like everyone else, I am always making lists to keep thoughts in order, chores organized and then marked off once they are completed, so that I can end the day with a sense of accomplishment, see results and move forward in life. But it keeps growing! There are more additions, more scribbles and more mark offs.

Oh, yes, I've tried other means for which to organize my lists such as electronic notes on my cell phone. That works on a limited basis, but ends up the same as a handwritten list. And, my phone auto deletes my tasks after so much time and then all of a sudden I cannot find the list (which may be a sign to get rid of it, right?). After that I have to start another list and try to remember what remained on the last list.

I have also thought about using sticky post-it type notes and putting them up on the refrigerator until their done. In that way, when I complete the task I can rip it down and toss it in the trash.

No matter which way I look at it, my Type A personality takes over and creates more things to do. Moreover, when you sit down and think about it, there is always something else to do and/or get done. Beyond that, something constantly stands in the way, distracts or tells us “Not Now!”

So what good are these ‘To Do’ lists? Should we consider not using them? If so, what benefits are there in doing so?

How about: less stress, less clutter, no more rushing around super task-oriented and a realization of ‘everything in due time.’

If we let things happen naturally without pushing it, important things WILL get done. Of course, I find it helpful to know what exactly needs to get done, so I will probably continue making lists. But going with the flow more often than not might help alleviate any anxiety I have about meeting deadlines or feeling that sense of achievement.

So what is the take home message for today?
  • Don’t obsess over it
  • Be realistic about any time-line
  • Improve prioritizing activities
  • Finish one list before starting another
  • Go with the flow and don’t force it

For me, I guess it would be to not let the list(s) take over my life. I am not getting away from these lists. I can’t do everything at once anyway, so why make myself crazy over it. Instead, use it as a tool of awareness and take one step at a time. Outside of working hard, isn’t that how we achieve our goals anyway? It’s something to think about and keep working on. Let me make a note of that!

Oops, here we go again! 



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