Thursday, August 23, 2018

When in Doubt, Go Higher!

When in Doubt, Go Higher!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

The other day I was on my way to somewhere and spotted a Jeep with a bumper sticker that read, “When in Doubt, Go Higher!” Naturally, it grabbed my attention. I began to think on how magnificent a statement it was and how it can be best utilized as a reminder to reach for the best.

In thinking further on the phrase, I remember a moment when former first lady Michelle Obama made a similar statement, “When they go low, we go high!” Her statement hit close to home as it pertains to battling negativity. It isn’t always good to fight fire with fire. More often than not it serves us best to be thoughtful and considerate in word and deed. An eye for an eye mentality doesn’t do anything but cause more harm. If we can remember this and stay calm, cool and collected despite it all, then a better outcome lies ahead in most cases.

This is the perfect time to generate those positive vibes. In fact, every day we are gifted is an opportunity to create positive energy out of whatever we are given. Hey, if it makes us smile, it can’t be all that bad, right?

Rising above our circumstances is not the same as putting ourselves or others up on pedestals. It is not saying we are “Holier than Thou!” It only means we are choosing never to allow negative circumstances, bad days and nasty attitudes to control or get the best of us. We choose to feed good and goodness back into the system for all to benefit.

I love thinking about good and goodness toward improving situations while making life better for everyone. There's no better positive approach than to keep your mind focused in that direction. And this bumper sticker reminded me to keep moving forward in just that way.

There are many ways for which we can rise above the negatives.

We can be kind, enthusiastic, generous, forgiving, accepting, and calm, look for the good, communicate with a sense of love, listen, be more helpful, offer compassion and be less judgmental among many other things.¹

Now, many times I discuss negativity as if it was outside of ourselves, but we also generate negativity all on our own, stemming from within. When we create our own negative circumstances it is best to recognize it, be aware and own up to it and/or address it. Building our self-confidence is one way to reinforce positive thought and behavior.²

Another way to rise above or go higher is to get the word out there. Send a positive message. It not only helps you, but someone else. I like to do this through my social media, which many might say is a hot bed of negativity, bullying and nothing more than a strike zone for people to vent or say anything without consequence. While I might comment on a negative situation in my own way, most of the time I try to share the good word. I will post a positive message, quote or thought. If someone reads it, likes it or shares it, then my positive message was helpful in some way. It may not meet the masses, but it is still worth effort.

Ever hear someone speak of the Phoenix Rising? It comes from Greek Mythology. It speaks about a bird recycling its own life. It speaks to second chances. To me, it means we can always rise above our circumstances and situations. It articulates how we are able to choose our response and/or reaction in any given case. The question is, “Are we choosing to remain positive or opting to dwell in the negative?”

In the end, wanting to be healthier and live joyously for the benefit of our well being seems to mean more than any other option.

So when in doubt, go higher!

Generate those positive vibes and share them with the world.

Enjoy living on a positive note this week.


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