Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Lighten the Load!

Lighten the Load!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I try to be observant and pick up on signs, symbols and word play. It comes natural for me to do so. Sometimes it happens so fast I don’t even know where it comes from. I tell people, “It just came to me out of nowhere” or “It flew out of me like a demon.”  Somehow I see unexpected things in the normal ebb and flow, which help to lighten the load, so to speak.

In any case, I look for positivity throughout the day and this is one way I do it.

For me, the last few weeks have been chalk full of activities and I found myself quite fatigued at the end of each day, which is a good thing. When I get this busy I often feel I am forgetful or lose track of time in regard to being observant or observing what I feel is important in life. It is almost like forgetting to eat because you are constantly on the go. I suppose the best approach is to not let any of it get the best of you or to beat yourself up over anything. If the chores are not a hundred percent complete, that’s okay. If you have to put things off for a few extra days, that’s okay. If you forget something, that’s okay. It’ll still be there later, because tomorrow never comes.

Ultimately, I try to keep it light when in the company of others and will crack a few jokes and sillies along  the way, or share true stories of things I noticed or experienced that were not what one would expect. Here are a couple of interactions I had this week. I hope it helps others to see how to lighten one’s own load as we continue living life on a positive note.
  1. A discussion about an upcoming trip to Chicago came up and I immediately blurted out, “Do you know how many ‘chicks’ are in Chicago?” Answer, “Nearest I can tell there is only one ‘Chick’ in Chic(k)-ago!”
  2. While driving to work and about to pull into the conference center I came to a stop at the light. What I thought was a homeless individual approached the car in front of me. He was holding up his pants and carried a large red guitar drinking cup (popular in Vegas). I reached into the back seat where I had a small bag of snacks to give out in just this kind of a situation. The man shuffled up to my car. I rolled down the window and asked him if he wanted a snack pack. His reply was, “No, I want you to take me to a strip club. I will pay you $5.”  Needless-to-say, I chuckled and said, “No, I am pulling in here.” I certainly wasn’t expecting that type of interaction, especially at 5:00 am in the morning when I wasn’t even sure if I was awake yet. I can tell you, I was awake after that!
  3. While enjoying an after work reception in the exhibit hall following the conference day, I saw what I thought was a squeezable rubber stress toy shaped like a dog with a yellow ball in his mouth. (Try and picture this!)  I had a plastic cup of Cabernet Sauvignon in one hand, a plate of pink butternut ravioli in the other hand and a bag over my shoulder. Yes, my hands were full. Anyway, I went up to the booth and asked if I could have the stress toy, because I thought it was fun. A young man encouraged me to take one, which I did. While juggling everything and having to switch my plate to the other hand and place it on top of my beverage, I reached and grabbed the toy and began to squeeze it like a stress ball. The yellow ball that was in the dogs mouth immediately popped out and shot up in the air and so did my pink ravioli, which went all over the floor. I began to apologize and laugh like crazy. The scene was too funny. I didn’t expect the ball to pop out at all. But I am glad it did. It truly lit up the moment with a heightened sense of fun.
How many times have such moments caught your attention and allowed you to stop and see the good things in life? Take a moment to reflect back on your week and count how many times fun and interesting events filled up your moments with opportunities to lighten up and reduce your stress. Take advantage of these little humor breaks to create more positive space throughout the day. Use these moments to accentuate the positive.

With that in mind, take notice of what is going on around you and what is being said. 

Go out and have a fun filled and joyous week living life on a positive note.


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