Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Blessings “R” Everywhere!

Blessings “R” Everywhere!
By Allen Merritt (©2017)

I don’t know if I had an epiphany, revelation or a simple observation, but I found myself looking out the airplane window shooting around Mt. Rainier when I realized that there were blessings everywhere and in everything, more than I realize. Getting distracted or caught up in the rigmarole we forget about the little things or the obvious.

Simply flying thousands of feet for long duration's of time is a miracle in and of itself. Suddenly, I saw Mt. Rainier for the first time in several days and as I got closer to it it began to disappear. That triggered something in me. We think a lot about what we don’t have instead of looking at the whole of what we do have. To me that is focusing on the negative and not the positive.

I can correlate this to a question I often get asked as a vegetarian. “Where do you get your protein from?” or “Well, what is it that you can eat?” Both of which I answer with, “Everything except meat.”

You see as someone who doesn’t eat meat and for the most part minimal meat products I looked at my environment and discovered that I have more options available to me as a vegetarian then most meat and potato types do. The carnivore will tend to choose less of what is available whereas I will have more to choose from. The selection is wide and varied.

My point is that when we look at what is available in our lives are we focusing on limitation or on the most options available?

When I think of possibilities, opportunities and potentialities I want to see more not less, because I want to know that that old adage of one door closing yet another one opening is true. If there is only one door, then there is only one way out. That’s not to say there are not situations where this is true, but stepping outside and taking a look around at the big picture suggests otherwise.

Sometimes we just don’t see the blessings, because we are living in our own worlds. We can’t see any further than the eye can see. But the truth is there is and are a lot of other blessings wandering around out there. We come closer today than in any other age of knowing what kinds of blessings are going on out there with technology and media advancements. We can actually see what is going on in other parts of the globe. Miracles happen all the time and everywhere.

Ponder on these ideas for a minute:

We can go to the grocery store and find many things. There was a time we only had what we could grow, find or capture. The work load in stocking the fridge is less even when you have to battle the crowds.
We can fly to the other side of the world in no time.
We continue to breathe air that our planet generates despite our abuses.
We can communicate in the blink of an eye AND get a response as quick.

I’m certain I could make a list for days on things we take for granted, but the world has changed and as we change with it we cannot forget there are more positives than there are negatives. The good outweighs the bad in the overall objective picture.

Now, on the way back from a different meeting I attended this week I decided to rent a car and take the scenic route home and visit Bryce Canyon in Utah. The splendor and the beauty of such a natural creation of our living earth highlight my original statement of how blessings are everywhere and in everything. I don’t know too many people who would not be awestruck by such wonder. The awe factor is off the charts.

I needed some outdoor trekking time and this day trip to view Bryce Canyon, Red Canyon and Mt Zion were amazing. It absolutely reminded me of all these wonderful things that surround me and blanket me on this earth. I believe this kind of recognition feeds our soul and spirit. Of this there is no doubt. When we come back to that place of understanding this we can relax and move forward gently in life seeing more than what others would have us see.

With that, I will leave you with this one wish; that you would look around and see the blessings available to you.

Have a great week living life positively.


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