Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Murphy’s Law!

Murphy’s Law!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

What is that old saying?

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." 

Do you believe that?  Or, is that old saying setting us up for failure when we fall into saying it? Think about it and hear me out for a moment.

Recently, I had one of those days when no matter what I did to troubleshoot and prevent problems from happening, they just kept happening. Throughout that day I felt I was doing nothing but putting out fires beyond my control. My expertise was not enough to solve the problems.

By the end of the day, I shut the door to yet another hotel room, turned on the television after exhaling a heavy sigh of hot air. And, I stood there starring at the television as a reporter relayed an incredible story of an epileptic man who went skydiving not long ago. The man jumped out of the plane fully in control of the situation and moments later he went into a seizure free-falling at around 9,000 feet in the air. He blacked out and was falling rapidly. His sky diving instructor jumped separately as they were not in tandem and noticed something was happening. The partner dove toward the falling man to help right his body and attempt to access the man’s parachute rip cord. Now, here is where I learned something new about how some parachutes these days have a computer built in to time release the shoot in emergency situations.  It’s called an automatic activation device¹. Wow! How far technology can take us! As it turns out, the device was not used, but what an amazing story.

Anyway, with little time to spare  (3,000 feet from hitting the ground) the parachute opened AND the man regained consciousness in time to gain control, right his body and land without further incident. Not a scratch. Nothing.

My mouth was wide open. I was amazed at the entire miraculous episode. And, the timing could not have been more perfect for me on a personal level. It made me feel my experiences that day were nothing compared to what this man went through. Whew! I had to let my day go right then and there. I had to move past it after witnessing this account on television. Seriously, Murphy's Law does not always apply. More often than not, things happen and then we work on improving them.

If anyone had a right to believe in the Murphy’s Law adage, it was this epileptic young man. However, despite his situation and circumstances, he decided to live his live anyway, do what he wanted to do without limitations. Incredible!

So my thought is this, when it seems terrible, maybe it isn't or at least not as bad as we might make it.  We just got to remember that other old adage, “This too shall pass.”

Maybe we should change the Murphy’s Law adage to reflect something better such as “anything that can go right, will go right. And, if not, turn left until you can make it round right again.” What do you think? I like it. It certainly fits in with my idea of keeping it on a positive note!

Hey, if you want to watch the incredible skydiving video, look here:

Cheers!¹ (Viewed April 2015)

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