Wednesday, March 11, 2015


©Allen Merritt (2015)

I am not sure where I am going with this, but here we go.

I was having a conversation with an old friend the other day, taking a trip down memory lane. Years ago both of us lived in Manhattan. I remembered my old address. It was at the corner of 96th Street and Central Park West. More specifically, it was 360 Central Park West. The park was literally across the street. I loved being able to walk out the front door, cross the street and dive into the serenity of historical Central Park. Good times!

Anyway, fast forward to today. I was describing my current residence to my friend. Its location was across from what I referred to as my southwestern Central Park. Interestingly, the address begins with 360. I thought it an interesting coincidence when he mentioned the idea of coming full circle 360 degrees. I never thought of it that way, albeit, I had noticed the similarities in addresses.

To add more fuel to the fire, so to speak, it dawned on me that I have a dear friend whose California address begins with the same number: 360. Coincidence? I don’t know, but it certainly got me to thinking about the number and how it has popped up multiple times in my life without me realizing it.

What is the first thing you think of when you think of 360 degrees?

Full Circle
Coming back around
What goes around comes around

Full circle is an adverb representing the idea of returning back to the starting point, position or original source.¹ Coming back around also refers to completing something and in its own way offers a chance to begin anew or move forward. At least, that is what I am thinking.

Then there is the idea of ‘karma.’ What goes around comes around and the Golden Rule of doing unto others what you would have them do unto to you, which seems to go hand in hand with growth, healing and moving on. Not to mention the many lessons learned. I like challenges, learning new things, getting past those moments we think we cannot get past. But I don’t want to root myself so deeply into something I cannot find my way out or can’t breathe. I don’t want to feel hopeless. I want to feel hopeful.

Recently, another friend moved back to his home town. Evidently, this happens to many people. I guess, the whole of our lives throw us all over the place forcing us to face the good, bad and ugly before showing us what really matters. Coming home is another way of coming back full circle.

Life is interesting.  Just when you are not certain of where you are going or what is going on, life has a way of throwing a positive spin on you that makes you stop and think. You realize that something greater than yourself is directing your way and leading you down pathways never before considered. The universe is looking out for you. There is some comfort in that…for us all.

For me, having all these similar addresses keep popping up throughout my history is evidence to these ideas of coming back full circles, cycles of completion, karma, coming home and a reminder of how life goes on if we let it. The past is valuable to our future. Without it we have nothing to consider. At the same time living in that past keeps us cemented without hope of anything new to consider.

I still don’t know where I was going with this.

Have I come back to where I started? I guess I have!

Life just keeps coming back round.

Got to love that!


¹ (Viewed 2-11-2015)

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