Monday, October 8, 2018

Running on Empty!

Running on Empty!
By Allen Merritt ©2018

I left the house this morning knowing I needed to stop and fill up the gas tank.  I was almost to the point of running on fumes, but the needle was still hanging above the “Empty” line by a smidgen. Traffic was already a bit congested, which isn’t good when your car is running on empty. But I managed to get to the nearest fuel stop without too much concern. Then after topping her off, I was off to run errands.

How many times have we pushed the limit and ran the car right down to the last drop?  I would be one of the first to raise my hand to this question. And as I consider the idea I am quickly reminded on how many times I have done that to myself (meaning my body) and/or have experienced the feeling of such emptiness beyond my control.

If we are not careful, everything can come to a complete and utter stand still.

It’s difficult at best to maintain a mindset toward everything positive so as to keep life in the balance when some days you feel like you’re dragging your behind on the pavement. I experienced an entire week of feeling drained with zero to no energy and yet trying to shake it off enough to get something done. A few times during that week I literally had to force myself and talk myself into getting it together. It wasn’t pretty!

Sometimes your body just tells you the answer is “no” whether you like it or not.

It is a strange feeling to say the least.  But regardless, it is moments such as these where we are able to see how the negative plays a part in our lives and possibly pushes us to do better. Opposites attract and everything has its opposing elements.

Ultimately, one can only do the best they can and make the most of the journey while keeping an eye on all things good.

I remember thinking during this week long episode about how much I could be getting accomplished if I just felt like it.

I suppose everyone has their down days and the key is to keep plugging along and “show them what you’re made of” even if you are running on empty.

For me, I wasn’t feeling my best self and did what I could to get plenty of rest and take care of myself.

However, when it comes to addressing the idea of running on empty it may mean more than feeling ill at ease. It may relate to a complete lack of enthusiasm, energy, optimism or resources. The danger is how these things may lead to a sense of hopelessness, uncertainty, confusion and all other similar traits teetering on the brink of negativity such as depression and self-defeating tendencies.

These types of situations are our obstacles, things which make us want to quit or give up. But here is something new to think about; these are the times to test perseverance and persistence. Keep on keeping on anyway. Never let anything lord that much power over you or get the best of you.

It makes me think of that old children’s story about the little engine that could. That uphill climb was tough, but he kept saying, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can!” Before you know it the little engine that could not only could, but DID make it up and over the hill.

That’s my message for anyone running on empty this week. If you are experiencing a lack of energy, chug along anyway. Because if we hang in there, we learn how prevalent that old saying is, “This too shall pass” allowing us to get back up again and move on.

No matter how tired you are, don’t let this moment prevent you from the vision of the next better moment.

Have a great week living life on a positive note.


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