Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Feeding the Soul!

Feeding the Soul!
© Allen Merritt (2017)

Ever see those signs posted at the zoo about not feeding the animals? We’re not supposed to feed anything to them as a precaution toward being safe from harm. Enjoy them from a distance and let them live as naturally as possible in their environment. We tend to forget that animals are just that, animals and they have an instinct which can cause irreparable harm if we are not careful. They are after all wild; even our pets can turn on a dime. While most pets return loving kindness in a big way, they don’t always respond the way we think they will or should.

Today, I am thinking about feeding the soul and freeing the spirit and thought about the zoo analogy in terms of what we initiate or give to ourselves and to others. What we give to others may set off a firestorm or provide us with a sense of pure love and enlightenment. What are we feeding ourselves and is that helping or hindering our lives?

If the saying, “You are what you eat” means anything, it means you are whatever you put into your body. That includes our mind, body, soul, spirit and our senses. If we are filled with gratitude and appreciation, then we are experiencing a state of bliss and happiness that is allowed to live freely within us. It isn’t something conjured up or controlled, but allowed to be.

So if we are feeding our soul, we must be conscious of what we are feeding it.

Here are some thoughts/ideas to take with you throughout the next week related to feeding the soul and freeing the spirit.

Last night I found myself listening to a lot of faith based and inspirational type music which I remember from days gone by. Before I knew it more than two hours had passed. I was enjoying myself, humming, singing and remembering the lyrics as I searched for old songs on the internet. What was I doing? I was feeding my soul and freeing my spirit with positivity.

This week I am reviewing some of the book titles I have read or are in the middle of reading. All of them related to things such as motivation, drive, Godliness, love, self acceptance, happiness, peace, joy, splendor, wonder, faith, patterns of self destructiveness, obstacles and hurdles and other things to be aware of that we as human beings often get caught up in or learn from. What do these ideas entail? They serve as examples of feeding my soul and freeing my spirit.

I also found myself realizing what kind of statements I make during meditation and prayer time. I generally always say “Thank you” for each day. I show appreciation and mentally/verbally recognize the grace and love that is a part of my every day. I look for peace, joy, harmony, love, light, laughter, assertiveness, passion and compassion. I am purposefully aiming toward these elements as being instrumental in my makeup so that I can feed my soul with the good things and free my spirit as a result. In doing so, I am sharing that with the universe and the world as I know it and as I do not know it.  Either way, it makes sense that if you put in junk, junk will come out. But if you feed yourself in every way with the best of the best, you stand a chance at experiencing the best of the best and allowing others around you to do the same.

I guess it begins with awareness.. It we are attending to the right frame of mind and the most appropriate thoughts we will generate more of the same and develop a habit toward living in that place we wish to be. If we fill ourselves up with those things that truly make us happy and provide a sense of happiness to the world around us, then we eliminate more of that which causes harm, grief and destructiveness. We at least stand a chance of reducing greater harm by promoting the greater good.

What will you do this week to feed your soul and free your spirit?

Work on it throughout the week!

Enjoy life on a positive note.


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