Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Walks & Talks like a Duck…Must be a Duck!

Walks & Talks like a Duck…Must be a Duck!
©Allen Merritt (2016)

Every once in a while a fun and/or uplifting incident occurs that is worth sharing, if for any reason because it is fun! Today I want to share a story about an experience I recently had which gives thought about how we interpret or view things in the world.

Ever heard the phrase, “If it was a snake it would have bit you?” OR “It was right under your nose the entire time!” These statements give way to my thoughts regarding this story. 

Here goes:

I stopped at a favorite grocery store to pick up a couple of items before heading home for the evening. Nothing unusual was taking place. I simply wandered into the store, made a few selections and made my way to the cashier.

After placing two items on the conveyor belt and noticing someone behind me, I placed one of those “divider sticks” that separate one customers items from another’s to make it easy for the cashier to know when one order stops and another begins.

I looked up at the person behind me and felt as if I knew the person. They looked familiar to me.

I stood there thinking about it and realized how much that person reminded me of Donny Osmond. That’s right, Donny Osmond. I grew up listening to the Osmond music and have periodically kept up with his career along the way even to the point of seeing his residency show in Las Vegas. Anyway, after I told myself this I discarded the thought as being nothing more than a fallacy. You know how sometimes you see a person who looks like someone you know or who resembles another individual; then after a closer look you discover they were not that person at all? This is exactly what I was thinking.

A second later the cashier rung me up and I told the bagger I did not need a bag. After which, the bag lady spoke up and said, “Your beard is really cool.” I immediately thanked her. The next thing I remember is that person behind me saying, “I wish I could grow one like that.” I was thankful and smiled then moved out of the way and headed out of the store. The man behind me followed me out and ended up getting in a vehicle parked near to me. I drove off and the man was behind me for a bit and then pulled up passing me on my left-hand side. I was curious as to what his license plate said. Sure enough, it was a Utah plate. It was Donny Osmond. It must have been. Why hadn’t I believed it before? After a bit of thought, I decided it was because his hair was lighter than I remembered.

Now, here’s the clincher. The next day I was getting a coffee and noticed a copy of the newspaper from the previous day and guess whose picture was on the front page of a certain section? It was Donny and Marie Osmond. I looked closer and clearly saw it was the same man behind me in the grocery store.

What is prevalent to me about this story is that sometimes we tell ourselves things are not what they appear to be when in fact they really are. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it must be a duck, right? It brings to question are we facing reality at all times? If it is staring us in the face, why can’t we see it and accept it for what it is (whatever “it” may be)?

Moreover, I have observed people who despite any facts and/or evidence presented before them which proves them wrong still insist they are right. In other words, they continue to make every effort to make everyone else seem crazy despite the fact they were caught red handed. Are they slightly delusional? Do they really think it will help them save face? I’m sure there are many reasons why human beings cannot accept or embrace truths. However, the positive lesson I gain from this experience gives pause to the idea of taking a closer look at the world around us. Some truths are evident and unobstructed from view. Other truths are clouded by manipulations. The key here is discovering which is which and discern or accept accordingly. It definitely gives something more to think about.

For what it’s worth, I ‘kinda sorta’ met Donny Osmond at the grocery store the other day and it quickly became a story to tell. After all, it isn’t every day you have that kind of experience. I hope you enjoyed it and take something meaningful from the comparisons made.

Here's a link you can copy and paste into URL. It's from 1972:

Have a good week and enjoy living life On a Positive Note!


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