Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Can’t and Won’t!

Can’t and Won’t!
©Allen Merritt (2015)

Word play happens to be a favorite subject of mine and when it comes to looking at things from a different angle and finding new positive perspectives for which to live my life, I want to explore more options. Word play helps me break things down and redefine moments and find better understanding within myself so that I can live a happier daily existence.

I learn a lot by observing the behavior of others on how to do and how not to do things. For example, I remember hearing on more than one occasion the following declarations:

“I will quit smoking when I have a reason to quit smoking.”

“When I have something to be happy about, then I will be happy.”

I believe both of these statements are focused on excuses; excuses for not doing something that so obviously a person will benefit from. They utilize words like ‘I can’t” or “I won’t” to root themselves in the negative instead of swinging things around toward being successful at accomplishing something positive and good. It feels like somewhere along the line a ball got dropped and then it rolled away leaving a person felling helpless and hopeless. But if most of us want the best for ourselves and others, why wouldn't we pick that ball up again and run with it?

Is it laziness? Is it deeply entrenched depression? Are we stuck in a rut?

My attitude is this: WHO needs a reason to quit something which is harmful? WHO needs permission to engage in something which is good for us?  Nobody! If exercise is beneficial for our longevity and makes us feel good, why do we talk ourselves out of it? If giving up tobacco means feeling healthier, than what should the goal be, to feel better or maintain a course for feeding an addiction? It’s easy to talk ourselves out of doing something, but isn’t it just as easy to talk ourselves into something, especially if we know the results tend to be positive? I know, it’s easier said than done, right? Hmm.

My suggestion is to find a reason to turn the “situation” around. It may mean having to say “No” a time or two or conduct a purge to eliminate aspects of life that are bogging us down. We can find a way to take the negative and turn it into something positive. Why? Because it is a process for achieving happiness among the many obstacles, hurdles and challenges we come across. There isn't only one right way to do something, but there are many ways to travel off course and find ourselves in no-wheres-ville and never-never-land.

 With this in mind and going back to the beginning of this discussion about word play, let’s be reminded of how easy it is to change our vision of ourselves by altering negative words such as “I Can’t” or “I Won’t.”

Instead of saying “I Can’t!”, say “I Can!”

Remember the children’s story about the little engine that could? He did not make it up that hill shouting, “I think I can’t!”

And, instead of saying ‘I Won’t!”, say “I Will!”

“I Will” is an affirmation of confidence toward achieving.

In both phrases, drop the “’t”!

Make it silent.

If you Can, you Will and then you've already Won!

Isn't that a good starting point for placing ourselves in a position of power? 

Something to think about!                                        
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