© Allen Merritt (2017)
I woke up this morning, began brushing my teeth, turned and looked out
the window to witness the sun shining ever so brightly. For me, this makes my
heart and soul smile contentedly. I appreciate looking out into the wild blue
yonder and feeling how it is going to be a good one. It’s a great set up for
beginning a wonderful day. In my case, the weather promotes and enlivens my
spirit. There is nothing like feeling happy as you saunter out into the real
world, which leads me to ponder a couple of questions.
How much of our daily routine is dependent on the weather?
Does weather affect our mood?
Does June gloom make us want to pull the covers back up over our head
until the gloominess passes?
How many times have we started the day and half way through it wished we
could go back and start the day all over again?
I know some people whose arthritis flares up every time the rains come.
Some even use this as a way of predicting the weather patterns in their area. They can feel it in their bones!
What is great about waking up each morning is that it is kind of like being born again. We’re renewed, refreshed and have rendered an opportunity to see things in a new light and have another chance to pick up and go, start where we left off and continue creating life.
Whether or not the weather impacts your outlook, appreciating what the
world has to offer each moment makes a difference in developing a positive
mindset. While thinking on these thoughts my mind honed in on the word
Forecasting refers to looking ahead, foreshadowing the future and foreseeing
outcomes. It’s our best guess for what
is about to happen, as verified by every meteorologist. And, as I have heard
many times in every part of the country, if you don’t like the weather, wait a
minute and it will change. This is a good metaphor for living positively.
Meaning, if you don’t like this moment, wait a minute and it will change. That
is the wonder of life; it is dynamic and constantly changing.
Consequently, I’m also reminded of the old Irish song “It’s a long way to
Tipperary”, which I used to think was "...a long way to Temporary." The analogy I get from the "temporary" version is that all things are temporary. However, when you are in the thick of it all, it seems to drag on forever, but on hindsight
it was just a drop in the bucket, a blip on the computer screen. Maybe we make
more out of our plights than we should. By using forecasting as a tool to pave
a path to a better future we can see in advance the possibilities, the better
times ahead and more.
Furthermore, I see this as how we can as individuals enhance our lives
that much more by utilizing the initiative of forecasting as a tool toward
developing a better attitude, appreciation and positive mental and physical
well being.
Think of it as casting forward the best vision (and version) of
yourself you want to be; like a fisherman casting his line and waiting to see
what comes back to him after he reels the line back in. Forecasting in this way
affords everyone a chance to envision our best selves.
Forecasting is an art unto itself. It is based on experience, patterns
and previous data and/or knowledge. In fact, it’s interesting to note there are
many variables of forecasting including qualitative, quantitative, average
approach, naïve approach, drift method, seasonal, time series methods, as well
as judgmental and artificial intelligence. ¹ Of course, a lot of forecasting is
structured around weather patterns and economic trends, but it doesn’t mean it
cannot apply to our daily routine.
So the questions of the week include:
What is your forecast?
What are you putting forth?
What are you throwing out there?
What do you expect to receive
back in return?
Just remember, if you are throwing out misery, because you love that sort of company; or anger, vengefulness, negativity and similar emotive and reactionary
actions, then you can expect to get back the same from the world around you. To
avoid this, change your forecast. Put on a smile or even a half smile. All of
us have to start somewhere when we’re feeling the blues and want to get back to
our happy place.
For me, the best place to start is through forecasting. Change your
mind about the outcome.
Isn’t this the same as finding ways to cheer yourself up when you are
Let us all go forward into a new week and cast forth the best we can
With that in mind, enjoy life on a positive note.
(viewed on 06/10/2017)¹